Change of modern society and life style has nagetive impact on obesity, reasons are;
- Overall cost of food is much cheaper
- More processed food
- Foods and drinks packed with excessive energy
- Portion size have increased
- Junkfood advertisment
- Frequent use of modern transportation
- Families income increased
- Physical education curriculum reduced
Obesity is damaging children's health, these include;
- type 2 diabetes
- Eating disorders
- Orthopaedic disorders
- Liver problems
- Respiratory disorders
- Sleep apnoea
- Cardiomyopathy
Obesity can also affect the way how children feel about themselves and how they interact with others. obesed children are more likely to have low self-esteem, which may have side effects on their performance in school, and development of friendships.
Obesity can be reverse by changing of the life style, having a healthy eatting pattern, increase of pyhscial activites.
Very good and this might help you with the reading assessment on childhood obesity. Obesity in children treatment should be also mentioned. Thanks for blogging. I like your profile...